Jesus came into the world not to be served but to serve. As his disciples, we know that it is our joy to be able serve each other, the church body, and our community.

We have opportunities for the whole family to get involved. Most of our volunteer options require no previous experience. We love to teach and train new people to better equip the church to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Ice Cream Social

Normally held in August on the first Friday evening after the public school starts classes again, Epiphany provides free Ice Cream and toppings to neighbors, with the new Kindergarten families at Woerner Elementary School as our special guests. We welcome a variety of volunteers for this event, from set up, to serving, to clean up.

Blessing Bags

Organized as needed, usually on a Sunday after worship, we fill one-gallon zip-lock bags with personal care items and non-perishable food to have ready to give to someone in need. We welcome volunteers to plan the event, organize donations, assemble, and distribute bags.

Halloween Hospitality Hut

Held on Oct 31st, we offer this public service to the thousands (no really, thousands) of trick-or-treaters and families that converge in our neighborhood. We provide porta-potties and a hand-washing station, a lost-and-found and first-aid booth, bottles of water, plus a photo backdrop with straw bales. We welcome volunteers to plan, organize, set up, serve shifts at the booths, and clean up.

Christian Friends of New Americans Christmas Party

Usually on a Tuesday in mid-December, we partner with other churches and ministries to provide a meal, games, and gifts to about 80 children of local refugees and immigrants. We welcome volunteers for set up, serve, visit with children, lead activities, and clean up.

Food Pantry

We support the food pantries of St. Trinity Lutheran Church & St. Johns Lutheran Church. At times during the year, food will be collected for their pantries. We welcome volunteers to bring, assemble, and deliver donations.

Keep Woerner Warm

We collect hats, coats, mittens, and scarves for the children of Woerner Elementary. Many of the children at Woerner are refugees who are not used to our cold winters. Others come from families who just cannot afford to properly clothe them for the biting cold and snow of winter. We welcome volunteers to count and deliver items to the school.

Sharing Tree

We share our blessings by collecting Christmas gifts for families identified by Principal Matthews, at Woerner Elementary, as being most in need. We collect these in early November.

Visitation Ministry

For a variety of health reason, people sometimes find themselves stuck at home or in the hospital. We welcome volunteers to team up with our pastor to make visits.

Sunday School

Our Sunday School program serves children at the pre-K and K-5th grade level from 11 a.m. to noon on Sundays. We welcome volunteers to help teach, make crafts, sing songs, and provide childcare.

Youth Group

We have a variety of Sunday morning and mid-week classes and events for junior high and high school youth. We welcome volunteers to serve long-term as mentors as well as short-term to coordinate and accompany youth during fellowship events and service projects.


Our choir rehearses on Sunday mornings at 8:45 a.m. to provide beautiful music to enhance our worship experience. We welcome volunteers with all levels of singing experience.


Our ushers greet members and guests as they arrive for the worship service, distribute the worship bulletin, make accommodations for persons with special needs or handicaps, handle the orderly collection of the offerings, assist the Pastor and Elders with the orderly distribution of the Lord’s Supper, and are responsible for securing the sanctuary following the worship service.


The acolytes (normally youth, ages 10–17) light the candles on the altar at the beginning and extinguish them at the end, of every service.


Not just reading, but meaningfully re-telling God’s dramatic rescue story in Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit for all creation, as recorded in the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible.

Church Council

This group is accountable to the members of the congregation as they express a collective will through our voters’ assemblies in June and October of each year. The members of the council are elected by the voters to oversee the temporal affairs of the congregation (finance, property, resources, and staff) according to the guidelines set forth in our by-laws. We welcome highly engaged and organizationally-minded members of Epiphany to be considered as candidates.

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML)

The LWML is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. The LWML focuses on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and supporting global missions.


Thrivent Financial is a not-for-profit, membership organization of Christians, focused on making wise financial decisions. Epiphany’s Thrivent members, join together to meet the needs of the community, both our church community and the community at large, through their hard work, the utilization of their Thrivent Action Grants, and raising money for various missions and ministries.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is responsible for the general housekeeping of the altar and sanctuary. This includes displaying, cleaning and storing altar linens, caring for sacramental vessels and vestments, preparing for and cleaning up after worship services, ordering supplies, filling the candles with oil, and ensuring there are poinsettias at Christmas, and palms and Easter lilies for Easter.

Willing Hands

Our Willing Hands live up to their name, serving the church, raising money for missions and helping when needs arise for individual church members. A few of their many tasks include serving refreshments during fellowship time, hosting the annual ice cream social, giving Christmas gift bags to shut-ins and hosting funeral luncheons.

Prayer Chain

This group of dedicated church members offers their time to pray for the immediate and long-term needs of our church family.